Working from home with your Lappie

Are you adjusting to working at home with your Lappie around? We all know our dogs love to be the centre of attention, so here’s some helpful tips to ensure you remain productive while working from home. Set designated play breaks – just like you’d take a break to make a cup of tea, head to the water

February FLCV Meet Up

On Saturday the 22nd of February, the quiet of the Melbourne Royal Botanical Gardens was interrupted by a chorus of very excited Lapphunds singing the song of their people. The weather was perfect for our short walk around the lake with several happy Lappies and their humans. Joined by a few prospective new owners, the Gardens provided

2019 FLCV Champ Show

The FLCV’s Annual Breed Specialty Championship was held on the 2nd of November at KCC Park, with UK Judge and breed specialist Mrs Elaine Short (of Glenchess Kennels) judging the championship show. Property classes for the show were judged by Victorian All Breeds Judge, Mrs Jill MacDonald. We are pleased to report that this year’s show

2019 FLCV Auction

Our annual FLCV online auction for 2019 is done and dusted. Once again we have been blown away by the very generous support of the many businesses and people who donated incredible items to our auction. This auction is a major contributor to our yearly fundraising efforts. The businesses and people who donate really do

You know you own a Lappie when …

Wondered what it’s like to own a Lappie? They’re quirky, they’re funny, and … You find yourself using a full sentence to give your dog a command so they can’t exploit any loopholes – Caitlin Williams People in cars shout “cute dog” out the window – Alex Skimbirauskas You have no need for a doorbell as

Pawgust 2019

The FLCV took part in PAWGUST 2019 on behalf of Guide Dogs Australia to help Guide Dog puppies in training and support people in our community living with disability. During the month of August, members and their Lappies aimed to walk 30 minutes a day for 30 days (that’s roughly 2km every day which is no small

FLCV Fun Day 2019

The 2019 FLCV Fun Day was a resounding success! It was a chance for all Victorian Lappies to have some fun in the show ring, with classes including Best Trick, Best Costume, Best Food Catching and Best Sit, Drop, Stand. Congratulations to all of the winners of the Fun Classes – we hope you and