Trophy donated by Tonya Syme of Chimo Alaskan Malamutes
for the FLCV Specialty Championship Show
In Memory of Vanessa Brotto of Arcticmal Kennels
Founding member of the FLCV and Owner, Breeder and Exhibitor of Finnish Lapphunds
The OBH trophy was awarded for the first time at the FLCV Specialty Championship Show 2016
FLCV Championship Show 2017 – OBH Winner

Gr Ch. Janoby Frilly Nickers
Bred, Owned and Handled By: Janoby Kennels
Sire: Sup Ch Dual Ch (RO) C’est Louis Armstrong des Chevaloupsgreg CD RM HSAs
Dam: Ch. Janoby All About Aura
FLCV Championship Show 2016 – OBH Winner

Ch. Armahani Heliodorr Halu (AI)
Bred, Owned and Handled By: J Lincoln
Sire: UK Ch Int Ch Fin Ch Glenchess Revontuli (UK)
Dam: Lapinlumon Muotkakukka HT (Imp Dmk)